Thursday, June 5, 2008

Allison Hancock Bradley

Now that our family is updated, I feel like I should submit my update. After high school I attended Ricks College where I met and married Scott Bradley from Athens, Georgia. I received my A.A.S. in English in 2000 but continued to take classes there while Scott worked toward receiving his Associates in 2001. We then transferred to ISU and moved to Pocatello. After graduating with a degree in English education, I accepted a position teaching seventh grade English at Clair E. Gale Junior High School in Idaho Falls. Our first son Trevor was born one month before the first day of school. We moved our little family back to the roaring metropolis of Menan so my mom could watch Trevor while I taught and Scott continued his schooling. Scott received a B.S. in microbiology in 2004 and a B.S. in medical technology in 2005. He then began working in the lab at EIRMC where he had done his final rotations. Our daughter Brynna was born four days after my last day of teaching school in 2005, and our son Seth joined our family this past March. Scott began working on his MBA through ISU in August – while still working full-time at the hospital – so he can be qualified as leadership positions in the lab become available. I am grateful that I get to stay home and be a mom. The 28th of June is quickly approaching, and I look forward to seeing each of you at the reunion.

2 comments: said...

Hey Alison cute kids!I have a way good mission buddy from Athens GA, I wonder if your husband knows him? His name is Dan Bryant I still talk to him like once a week. You'll have to let me know at the reunion.

Mike Maloney

Merilee said...

Hi Allison and Scott!

This is your old roommate/FHE sister, Merry! Do you remember me? How are you? You have cute kids! My blog is You can look at Becca's blog too at I hope to hear from you soon!